Embark on a journey through the enchanting city of Venice with Assouline's Venetian Chic. As you delve into the pages of this captivating book, you will be guided by the expertise and passion of Francesca Bortolotto Possati, a true connoisseur of Venetian art, design, and hospitality. Possati unveils the hidden gems and private wonders of Venice, taking you beyond the well-trodden paths to explore artists' studios, mingle with elegant locals, and discover the secrets tucked within the magnificent palaces. With every step, you will feel the weight of history, as Venice's rich heritage and artistic legacy transport you to the days of the Renaissance and the glamorous masquerade balls of yore. Adding to the allure of this exquisite volume, acclaimed actor Jeremy Irons provides a sentimental foreword that perfectly complements the visual feast before you. Venetian Chic is not just a book—it is an invitation to experience Venice's timeless charm and captivating allure, a treasure trove of inspiration for all those captivated by the city's unparalleled beauty.
Product ID: FYUA-17285
Item Code: 280163_ASUL
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